On Bullshit, And AI-Generated Prose

There’s a word for prose and speech that exist mostly just to fill the space

Clive Thompson


A women holding up a cookie decorated as, and in the shape of, a “poop” emoji
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

AI text-generation tools have been getting into a bit of trouble lately.

Recently, OpenAI released “ChatGPT”, a quite remakable chatbot. It’s built atop GPT-3, OpenAI’s language model that’s very fluent at autocompleting and summarizing text. Denizens…



Clive Thompson

I write 2X a week on tech, science, culture — and how those collide. Writer at NYT mag/Wired; author, “Coders”. @clive@saturation.social clive@clivethompson.net