“The Batman Effect”, Bird Oscillators, and The Robot Dog of Pompeii

I bring you the finest reading in my weekly Linkfest

Clive Thompson


Transformation de carrés concentriques (ref. 76A) (1976), by Vera Molnár, which looks like a line drawing of nested concentric squares, except that several chunks of the lines are jagged and run into the other lines
Transformation de carrés concentriques (ref. 76A) (1976), by Vera Molnár

1) 🖋️ Behold the work of Vera Molnár, computational-art pioneer from the 1960s

As a child, Vera Molnár loved to draw very abstract, spare patterns. She eventually developed a set of…



Clive Thompson

I write 2X a week on tech, science, culture — and how those collide. Writer at NYT mag/Wired; author, “Coders”. @clive@saturation.social clive@clivethompson.net