The Goriest Fight Scenes from The Iliad, Pt. 2

More gruesome kills from epic poetry

Clive Thompson


A color painting depicting Achilles, in a chariot, riding over the slain body of Hector, with smoke arising in the air behind him and a large army of Trojans facing him
“Achilles in his chariot rides over the body of the slain Hector” (via Wikipedia, CC 4.0 license, unmodified)

This is National Poetry Month, so I figure it’s time to talk about famous depictions of bone-crunching violence.

Specifically, the Iliad! It’s a poem that is possessed of heart-piercing metaphoric imagery, vividly weird characters, beautiful turns of phrase … and a body count so massive it…



Clive Thompson

I write 2X a week on tech, science, culture — and how those collide. Writer at NYT mag/Wired; author, “Coders”.