This Code Is $#&!

On the curious relationship between cursing and writing software

Clive Thompson
5 min readJul 9, 2023


Photo by Nong on Unsplash

Coding is a lot of things: Brain-teasing, challenging, fun, powerful, and thus liable to give its practitioners the occasional God Complex.

But primarily? Computer programming is deeply, agonizingly frustrating. (I’ve blogged about this before.) Computers are brutal, unforgiving taskmasters. It doesn’t matter if you think you’ve got it right: If you’ve made some tiny error — on the level of a single piece of punctuation — the computer will sit there, refusing to cooperate, coolly paring its nails, or perhaps offering error messages as inscrutable as proclamations of the Delphic Oracle. It is very easy, when programming, to feel like a total idiot, and to start cursing out loud.

It’s easy to start cursing in the code, too. It turns out that, as research has found, programmers include a lot of swear words right inside their code.

And more interestingly yet …

… some of that swearing actually might be useful.

Let us unpack this!

The first time I got a sense of how often programmers include swear-words in their code was back in the early 2010s. That was when the developer Andrew Vos decided to look at the “commit messages” on GitHub.



Clive Thompson

I write 2X a week on tech, science, culture — and how those collide. Writer at NYT mag/Wired; author, “Coders”.