Warning Labels For AI-Generated Text

Maybe we should just start sticking icons on this stuff

Clive Thompson


Feel free to copy and use this logo I made! Just link back to this Medium post as attribution — I’m issuing this logo under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license

So, there’s a ton of AI-generated text in our lives.

Back in January, a Fishbowl survey of 4,500 professionals found that 30% were using ChatGPT at work; ten months on, I’d imagine that number could be higher. Perhaps a fifth to a third of college students are using it, depending on…



Clive Thompson

I write 2X a week on tech, science, culture — and how those collide. Writer at NYT mag/Wired; author, “Coders”. @clive@saturation.social clive@clivethompson.net