Yep, there is so much wonderful math in carpentry! And physics. Back in the early 2000s there was a terrific book called “Simulation and its Discontent” With stories from various professors In various engineering and design disciplines, who discovered the incoming students had never built anything with her hands — they only ever used computer aided design tools — so they lacked sort of concrete practical sensual apprehension of physics that informs the design in the equations.
Mitchel Resnick got so just made it the city started a new class called “how to make anything”, in which the students would work with fabrication tools to build stuff. It quickly got massively oversubscribed, and they wound up increasing the number of sections many times. It wasn’t just that kids had missed out on these crucial building experiences when they were young, but they knew it and sensed the lack; they were eager to get a chance to finally dive in!